I created a custom style sheet for my micro.blog and pointed my domain name, abouthalf.com, here as well.

My custom stylesheet is a reset over the default Micro.blog theme. I removed some decoration and refined the typography - using “Libre Franklin” for body copy and “Antica Slab” for headlines. I set a baseline grid based upon 16px type and gave everything a bit more air.

I chose to customize the default theme as it had the least invasive styles and didn’t include a web-font already. I would love for Micro.Blog to provide a “naked” theme with no default styles at all. That would be ideal for a tinkerer like me. I don’t care to have full theme control, but full layout control would be nice.

I added a logo to the footer by uploading a file (without making a blog post) using the browser-based tool Quill - when you create a new post, you can upload an image (and retrieve the uploaded URL) without having to create a post. This allowed me to set that as a background image for my footer.

I’ve been a happy Squarespace customer for a while. It’s a great service. But I realize I just want a simple site where I can post things. Squarespace is overkill for my needs, and actually gets in the way of my writing regularly.

I still need to add a few bits and bobs to make this “complete” but I’m very happy with the result. Shutting down Squarespace makes me feel light as a feather.