Michael Barrett


This is a recent issue of my 100 Doodles project. An art newsletter published maybe twice a week with small paintings and writing. In this issue I look out the window.

Don't draw bananas

This is a recent issue of my 100 Doodles project. An art newsletter published maybe twice a week with small paintings and writing. In this issue I take a stand against bananas.

Finding bones

This is a recent issue of my 100 Doodles project. An art newsletter published maybe twice a week with small paintings and writing. In this issue I slow down and measure.

Stop! Tree Thief!

This is a recent issue of my 100 Doodles project. An art newsletter published maybe twice a week with small paintings and writing. In this issue I write about longing to know what happens when I'm not looking.


This is a recent issue of my 100 Doodles project. An art newsletter published maybe twice a week with small paintings and writing. In this issue I write about how I need more practice.

Every desk is terrible

This is a recent issue of my 100 Doodles project. An art newsletter published maybe twice a week with small paintings and writing. In this issue I write about how bad every desk is.

This piece looks like a trap to catch businessmen.

A big part of my job has been aggressively sun-downing a legacy Microsoft stack. Shit like this is motiviating

JavaScript has a quirky personality.

It appears that Micro.blog posts with images aren’t syncing to Twitter.

Personally, I blame Twitter.

I think this is a valid bit of criticism, but I think it’s also a hard design problem to solve.

What would focus look like on the iPad? Maybe something like the shimmy-shake embiggening that you see on the AppleTV?

Sunny train platform this morning

Sketching from my window last weekend

Recent item from my newsletter project . Don’t draw bananas.

Tried to draw from my imagination on the train last night. My imagination needs some anatomy lessons

Banana doodle

Nice choice of cover photo


Did a little bit of a study with Affinity Photo last night - a $49 Photoshop alternative. It’s very good. I am still finding my way around the interface and getting a feel for the tools but I can tell already that it will do anything I need.

Listening to “Good Point” and one of the hosts made an off-hand comment about how websites are like 7-11 and open 24 hours.

Hundred dollar idea: Boutique fashion site with limited hours. Open 1 to 4pm Pacific.

Bananas are not a very good subject.
