Michael Barrett


The most recent page in my 100 Doodles newsletter project - wherein I see a turtle.

This is loud. I guess it worked. I mean I clicked on it to make it go away.

This is a handy learning tool: http://es6katas.org/

It’s collection of small ES6 exercises written as tests to help learn new syntax and features.

Sketching in the park yesterday

Installed my Grit City series at a local wine shop. I wanted to get these out in the world instead of piling up in my office. This helps clear the mind for other things.

Stefanie Heinze’s paintings make me think of melting cartoon characters.

Today I learned that there is not only a Golden Ratio, but a silver and bronze as well. In fact there’s a whole series of metallic means.

I 🍌 this

I wonder if I can find Converse headquarters on this…

I saw a seagull having an existential crisis. It flew down the middle of the street crying and landed. Spread its wings and wailed.

Or it was just being a weird bird.

This is music to code by.

I tried to captur the impression of a rail bridge on my way in to work today.

Grit City from the sky.

Afternoon commute doodle.

This photo from Shorpy looks like a Velazquez painting.

Thinking about writing a small JSON Feed authoring tool - for those times where you want to write a feed and nothing else…

Still life silk

Grit City

I would be less inclined to be looking for an exist if Squarespace offerred some kind of API or supported other IndieWeb protocols. It’s a walled garden.

I’ll I’ve been using Micro.Blog for almost a month now. I’ve made 109 posts. This is more than Twitter or my “proper” blog.

The frictionless-ness of this platform makes a giant difference. I’m seriously considering going all in and dropping Squarespace.